Byte-Size CS Blog - THURSDAY
#CSEverywhere - All occupations will have some element of computer science and technology associated with them and require a new skill set aside from just using computers, even in Nevada:
Agriculture | “Major technology innovations in the space have focused around areas such as indoor vertical farming, automation and robotics, livestock technology, modern greenhouse practices, precision agriculture and artificial intelligence, and blockchain.” New Agriculture Technology in Modern Farming, 06-Oct 2021
Mining | “Digital technology works harder than ever to deliver a truly modern, safe, and productive mine that addresses the increased demand for mined material, while at the same time exceeding customer expectation and global sustainability initiatives.” The Latest Trends in Mining Technology - How can new technology change how we see mining? 11-July 2019
Hospitality | “The use of robots within the hospitality industry is becoming more commonplace, with uses ranging from artificially intelligent chatbots, designed to assist with the customer service process, through to robot assistants, deployed to improve guests’ experience in a hotel.” - automation, speed, cost-effectiveness, and accuracy are some of the factors behind the use of robots in this industry. 8 Examples of Robots Being Used in the Hospitality Industry. 17-Mar 2021
Explore other careers with computer science
Nevada’s vision for Computer Science Education is that our students are informed citizens who can:
- Critically engage in public discussion on computer science topics
- Develop as learners, users, and creators of CS knowledge and artifacts
- Better understand the role of computing in the world around them
- Learn, perform, and express themselves in other subjects and interests
Cindi Chang | Nevada DOE | | #CSforNV | #CSEverywhere