As a member of the science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) industry, you have much to contribute to the education of Nevada students and to their budding interest in STEM careers. We encourage you to bring you real world experience to the classroom.
Benefits for the student
- Students get to meet with actual professionals and gain real-world insights into jobs and careers in the STEM fields
- Students gain a fresh appreciation of how workers use the STEM skills taught in class every day
Benefits for the employer
- Employers have the opportunity to nurture student interest in jobs and careers with their company and in their industry
- Employers can help students understand the education and skills they need to secure jobs with their companies
- Employers advance their reputation as supporters of education and community leaders among school leaders, teachers, parents, and students
Benefits for the employee/presenter
- Employees have an opportunity to connect with local students and pause and reflect on their jobs and careers and the skills they use every day
- Employees gain valuable experience in public speaking and in serving as ambassadors for their companies and industries
- Employees increase their job satisfaction after connecting with youth in their communities