A good classroom visit includes plenty of time for the professionals to answer student questions about their jobs, the educational and career paths that got them to where they are today, and how students can best prepare for careers in their fields.
Before the Visit
- Speak with the school or teacher about logistics
- How much time?
How many students?
Can I bring video? If so, what equipment do I need to bring?
- How much time?
- Connect your visit to students’ learning and knowledge level
- What are students learning about?
How can you connect your visit to their learning?
Does the teacher plan to have students reflect on your visit?
- What are students learning about?
- What to bring
- Bring equipment needed in your job or products you produce
- Bring leave-behinds or giveaways
- Bring Video
During the Visit
- Dress as you would for work, including any protective gear
- Do a demonstration or show a product and let students try or handle
- Describe a problem you are attempting to solve at work and take students through the steps to solve it
- Ask students questions about how they would solve it and what knowledge or skills they think they’d need in order to do so
- Share stories- about how you use today what you learned when you were their age, cool projects you’ve worked on, mistakes you’ve made
- Keep it simple- focus on a few things you want students to get out of your presentation, avoid jargon
- Slow down and speak up
- Possible discussion topics
- What does your company do?
Why is your company’s work important and relevant?
What key problems does the company address in the world?
What are the job and career opportunities in your company and your industry?
Are these job opportunities likely to increase in the years ahead, and in what job areas do you see the most growth?
What it is like to do your work (including a description of your typical day and your responsibilities)?
How does your work make the world a better place?
What are the educational and skill requirements for people in your position? For others in the company and the industry?
What are some of the skills you apply on the job on an everyday basis, including math, science, writing, communications?
How much do you work alone, and how much do you work as part of a team?
- What does your company do?
After the Visit
- Follow up
- Ask the teacher how it went
- Ask if there’s an opportunity to return and help the students work on a project related to your work
- Share
- On social media
- Internally in a company newsletter
- Externally in a press release